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After experiencing all of the wonderful first hand stories of the volunteers and absorbing all the historical and social information we felt prepared to begin our artwork in earnest.


The catalyst of change that occurred for women during this time was most definitely the core inspiration for the project.


We examined more images and text about women’s roles and sought to find ways to creatively demonstrate this knowledge.


Using Staniforth’s cartoons and propaganda images from the time we began designing. We decided to use clear Perspex as our canvass and make the face front look like a cartoon etching using graffiti markers and the reverse side more like a propaganda poster using tissue paper and PVA. With this combination of techniques we could create some dynamic images. We decided to use the photographs of the images we had seen at the archives as a background by printing them on special acetate.


The large Perspex images are:

1 - Women before the war – Wives and Mothers

2 - Women during the war - Farmers - Workers - Nurses - Police Officers etc

3 - A boy with gas mask

4 - A girl with her doll



Then we created the titles to headline our thoughts about WW1 and the effect it had on the average family.


Everyone taking part in the project learnt a great deal about WW1 as well as meeting some fascinating people, visiting new places of interest and exploring new art techniques.


Thank you to all who made this project so worthwhile.



Ar ôl clywed yr holl hanesion rhyfeddol yn uniongyrchol oddi wrth y gwirfoddolwyr a deall yr holl wybodaeth hanesyddol a chymdeithasol,  roeddem yn teimlo’n barod i gychwyn o ddifri ar ein  gwaith celf.


Y newid a ddigwyddodd ym mywyd menywod yn ystod yr amser hwn heb amheuaeth oedd y brif ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer y prosiect.


Gwnaethom archwilio rhagor o ddelweddau a thestunau am rolau menywod gan geisio darganfod dulliau o ddangos yr wybodaeth hon mewn dull creadigol.


Gan ddefnyddio cartwnau a delweddau propaganda Staniforth gwnaethom gychwyn dylunio. Penderfynasom ddefnyddio persbecs clir fel ein cynfasau gan wneud i’r wyneb blaen edrych fel ysgythriad cartŵn gan ddefnyddio marcwyr graffiti, a’r ochr arall yn fwy fel poster propaganda gan ddefnyddio papur sidan a PVA. Gyda’r cyfuniad hwn o dechnegau gallem greu rhai delweddau deinamig. Penderfynasom ddefnyddio ffotograffau o’r delweddau yr oeddem wedi eu gweld yn yr archifau fel cefndir drwy eu hargraffu ar asetad arbennig.


Delweddau o’r Persbecs mawr:

1  – Menywod cyn y rhyfel – Gwragedd a Mamau

2 – Menywod yn ystod y rhyfel - Ffermwyr - Gweithwyr - Nyrsys - Swyddogion 

       Heddlu ayyb

3 – Bachgen gyda masg nwy

4 – Merch gyda’i dol 



Wedyn gwnaethom greu teitlau fel penawdau i’n meddyliau am y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a’r effaith a gafodd ar deulu cyffredin.


Dysgodd pob un a gymerodd ran yn y prosiect lawer am y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yn ogystal â chwrdd â rhai pobl ryfeddol, ymweld â mannau newydd diddorol ac archwilio technegau newydd.


Diolch i bawb sydd wedi gwneud y prosiect hwn yn bosibl. 

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